Saturday morning, I shot with my friend Gar-Ye Lee for the Action! series I've been working. This series is still one of my favorite to shoot. It's always fun, and the folks I'm working with love doing it which makes it even more fun to shoot. I've known Gar-Ye for a few years, and she's super energetic to start with. She's a wonderful actress, so getting her picture taken and being in the light isn't new to her! Gar-Ye's also a really good stylist, and we're planning a few shoots together for the future. Looking forward to those!
The previous times I've shot these, each person has taken about 20-30 minutes. It's always a quick shoot. With Gar-Ye, we shot for over an hour and a half. At most, I've been getting two sets out of each shoot. I processed 10 sets with her since we shot so many variations of the outfit (hair down, hair up, jacket on, jacket off, suspenders on, suspenders off and so forth).
On this blog, these are processed relatively small (as with the previous sets). These are actually anywhere from 2' to 3' long and maybe 2' tall.
These are shot with Profoto B1 lights (two on the background and one on the model). The background lights have the zoom modifier, and the one on the model has a Magnum. Post is all handled with Photoshop and NIK.