Today was a fun day shooting for Whitney Eve Port's new clothing line "Whitney Eve". These shots represent a few of her new line coming out soon for spring. I spent most of the day working with Whitney and her sister Paige who is the brand director. It was also pleasant because I got to work with Rica and Clayton (stylists) for the first time today. Of course it's always a good day shooting with Logan (model).
We ended with about fifteen distinct looks, and what's here is just a sampling. These are very straight forward shots as many of them will be used for product shots. We had a good time and quite a bit of fun on set.
Not much to say photography wise. These are shot with a large soft box as a key and a small soft box as a fill. The lights are Profoto.
Designer and Stylist - Whitney Port
Stylist - Paige Port
Model - Logan Stanton
Stylist - Ricamae Lomibao
Stylist - Clayton McGee