so tonight i tested with my friend Katie. she's modeled for me a few times, but tonight, we shot her in a morphsuit. i intended to use these as part of my Action! series, but these turned out better in odd poses which are intensified by the morphsuit itself. there's a creepiness to these photos i really like.
we did shoot some Action! style shots, and i'll process them later. for now, i'm quite pleased with the eeriness of these yoga contortion style poses. there's something very animalistic about these which i like.
these are shot with 3 profoto B1 lights using the high speed sync. obviously these shots didn't require high speed sync. since i was already set up for it, i shot them with a very fast shutter. i have a magnum on the key light, and two 3' strip boxes on the background. everything's processed with capture1, photoshop and NIK.