a month or two ago, reading a fashion photographer's blog, he said one of his favorite lighting setups for fashion is five lights directly in front of the model, on the ground and pointing straight into the background (not at the model). of course, this is a composite of 5 shots. it's always fun to shoot with Joanie. i think this was the first time i've shot with her in over a year.
i DO like the lighting on Joanie, but it would be difficult to take a bad photo of her. what i learned from this setup is that the lights can't be sitting on the floor. the test shots i did with the lights resting on the floor looked too "campfire", so i raised them to the height of an apple box. for these five shots, all five lights are sitting on apple boxes. i also learned that i need to pull the model farther away from the background to spread the shadows more. these shots, despite liking the light on the model, the shadows on the background seem to make Joanie appear to be shaking due to the shadows being a bit too close together.
lighting wise, we have five profoto acute heads all with the same amount of power to each, all at the same distance from the model, all equally distanced from each other and all the height of an apple box off the floor.