today i shot Action! shots with a new stylist i work with. her name is Haley Schulte. After all the Action! shots i've taken, this project is still the one that's holding my attention the most. i'm still looking for ways to update it and evolve it. with Haley, due to her white hair, i thought she'd be perfect to try on a black field instead of a white field. she is in the reverse of the other Action! shots which i dig.
the more i shoot these, the more things i see i want to change on the next one. i want to keep adding accessories and clothing with contrasting elements. polka dots, stripes, contrasting buttons, suspenders and anything else i can think to add contrasting elements are slowly getting pulled into the shots piece by piece. my hope is that i never complete this as a series. i want to see where it goes.
these are still shot the same way. there is a difference between this one and all the others. all the others were shot with a profoto B1 with a magnum modifier. this is actually shot with a profoto acute head and a normal zoom.